Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Featured Stamper #313

Hey, guys!  All the entries this week were so original and fun and exciting!  I SO enjoyed seeing each and every one, but there can only be one Featured Stamper!

So without further ado, this week it's:

#12 Bernadette Bliss!

A huge congratulations!  You are now invited to join us as our Guest Star Stamper for the challenge on October 22nd.  Please email Tammy (tammyhershberger[at]gmail[dot]com) by 11:59 p.m. EDT Friday, October 17th to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and to get details for the challenge.

Bernadette's card was actually one of my favorites this week too, as well as these entries...

#11 Gloria
#15 Angel
#17 Yogi
#32 Karren J

Thanks to everyone who joined us last week!  Please come back tomorrow for another challenge with Lori as our hostess!


  1. What a sweet surprise this morning! Thank you so much for choosing my card as the featured stamper. I'm speechless, which doesn't happen very often.;)Bernadette

  2. Thanks so much for the mention of my card, Tammy. Congrats to Bernadette and the others who were mentioned.

  3. Bernadette's card is absolutely gorgeous!
