Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Color Throwdown #402 Featured Stamper

Hey, everyone! Are you ready to find out who last week's Featured Stamper is? Well, wait no more, I'm here to reveal! Thanks so much for all of you who played along--the gallery was amazing with all of your gorgeous creations! And, without further ado, randomly chosen Featured Stamper #402 is Ted Mattos!!! And here's his gorgeous project!! Having met Ted personally at the 2016 MFT Retreat, I was tickled PINK to see his number pop up on random.org !

 Don't you just love !?? Please join me and the rest of the CTD team in congratulating Ted!!!!!! Ted, you are now invited to join us as our Guest Star Stamper for the challenge on August 3rd.  Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON Eastern Time on Friday, July 29 to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

A few other cards caught my eye this week, and here they are, in no particular order: 

1. Susie Moore - gorgeous one layer card.
2. Ike's World - who can resist a pop up box card AND an animal rescue PSO rolled into one? Not me!
3. Hannelie - this clean and fresh design really highlights the colors.

Thanks again to everyone who played along--we love seeing that gallery fill up every week. Be sure to check back tomorrow when Miss Broni has an AWESOME color palette for us to play with--you won't want to miss it!


  1. Holy cow! I'm so very honored! :) When I saw the image of my card on my Feedly feed, I thought, "Hmm....that card looks a lot like the one I created for CTD!

    Then I red the blog post!

    Thanks so much for this honor, Barbara! And thanks to everybody who gave me inspiration. :)

  2. Way to go Ted!!! Beautiful card...bright & cheerful

  3. Way to nail this one, Ted. Awesome project - so clever.

    And thank you for noticing my card, Barbara.

    Have a lovely week.
