Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Color Throwdown #550 Featured Stamper

Hello throwdown fans! A big THANK YOU to everyone who played along with our last challenge!  The gallery was full of awesome entries! It's time now to announce our featured stamper...insert drum roll...and our randomly picked winner is #11 Nananas! Congratulations, Nancy! Here is her beautiful anniversary card...

You are invited to join the Color Throwdown team for our challenge on July 17th. Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON EDT on Friday, July 12th to obtain your Featured Stamper Blinkie and to get the details of the challenge.

Here are a few other creations that caught my eye this wee, in no particular order...

Kelly Schirmer

Tammy Hershberger


Be sure to check back with us tomorrow for another great color combo by Amy Rysavy! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm super excited I'm the featured stamper of this challege! :-)
