Monday, October 14, 2019

Color Throwdown Featured Stamper #564

Thank you all for filling the gallery with beautiful creations this week! And now, it's time to announce the next Featured Stamper.

Congratulations to Sue from Just Peachy Stamping!

Sue, you are cordially invited to join us as Guest Star Stamper on October 23rd. Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON Eastern time on Friday, October 18th, to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get the details for the challenge.

Let's finish up with a few of my favorites from the gallery - so many gorgeous creations!!

26. Susie Moore

10. amy tsuruta

21. Susan B

34. TheGrandeStampede

20. Ma-Mi


  1. oh my goodness, thanks for the shout out! Awesome gallery of fall goodness!

  2. Thanks so much for choosing my card as one of the favourites!! I'm honoured! Congrats to all the other favourites and the Featured Stamper.

  3. Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the favorites... What an honour!
    And thank you for having such inspiring color combinations.
    Have a nice day, Maja
