
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Color Throwdown #633 Featured Stamper


It's time to announce the Featured Stamper for challenge #633.  I am so glad that you liked the colors enough to play along with us this week!  Thank goodness the Featured Stamper is chosen randomly!  Without further ado, this week the winner is....


Here is her great graphic card:

This was such a great way to use the colors!

 Congratulations, A.Rose!!!  You are now invited to join us as our Guest Star Stamper for the challenge on March 24th!  Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON Eastern Daylight time on Friday, March 19th to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

Now here are some of my favorite entries from this week:

#3 Allison Frazier

#6 Claire A


#12 Vicky

#13 KimS 

#23 Cecile Ribon 

There were SO many beautiful cards!  Thanks again to everyone who played along with us!  We just love your shared creations!

 Please join us tomorrow for a fantastic new color palette from Amy Rohl!


  1. Congrats to the winners!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  2. A super big thanks for the shout-out, Broni! And congrats to everybody for all those fabulous cards. Now, I just can't wait to see tomorrow"s color scheme.
