Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Color Throwdown #674 Featured Stamper

 It's time once again to announce this week's Featured Stamper, chosen from the Color Throwdown #674 gallery. We had 32 beautiful designs in the gallery from which to chose. Thank you to all who played along! 

Our next Featured Stamper is entry 29. Papierelle, and here is her beautiful design!

29. Papierelle

Papierelle, you are now invited to join us as our Guest Star Stamper for the challenge on January 19th, 2022!  Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON Eastern Daylight time on Friday, January 16th to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

Now here are some of my favorite entries from this week:

30. Kelly Schirmer

31. Cecile Ribon

16. Rosemary D


  1. I'm so surprised at the moment and still completely speechless. I never thought that my card would be a winner. I've seen all of the other exceptionally beautiful cards, and I'm thrilled with each one. Of course I am happy and honored to be able to support the team as a guest designer. Thanks to the whole team!! Congratulations to all other winners too!

  2. Congrats to the winners!
    Have a great day!
    Marilyn ❤️

  3. Thanks so very much for the shout-out. I'm so glad this birthday dog caught your eye! And congrats to all the other winners on their fabulous entries.
