Again, you ladies made it hard to pick out one card to feature, but finally I settled on this one by
Rosemary D:

I love the layout, I love the layers, I love how she cut out the mat around the flower petals and I love that cheerful butterfly. I love it all!!! Rosemary, if you'll email me at barcat at embarqmail dot com I'll get your Featured Stamper blinkie to you. Congratulations!
These cards were my top three:
Liz Williams3.
KarenGREAT cards, ladies!!! Thanks again for playing! We hope to see you tomorrow when Danielle is our hostess with the mostess!
It's beautiful :) Can I still some ideas? :D
I'm tickled pink that you chose on my cards as a call-out! Just the nudge I needed to create more cards outside of my comfort zone. Thanks so much!
OOOH love this Congrats ladies!
Congrats to everyone!! I do love this card, good choice, Barbara!
Woo hoo! Congratulations, everyone!
Ohhhhh myyyyyyy gooooodness! I couldn't get over the color work on this card ~ it's beautiful! Great choice and CONGRATULATIONS to all of the top picks ~ these gals are really getting their craft on! YEEE Haw!
Wow!! I'm so excited and thrilled to be picked as the Featured Stamper!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!! Whooohooo to the top 3!!! You ladies rock!!
Great card! Congrats to all the lovely cards!
oh whow!
Thank you ever so much for choosing my card as one of the top three
I actually was struggling with these colours and then discovered a new technique and the colours looked awesome together.
you see that is so the reason why I love doing your colour throwdown challenge - really fun to work with colours totally out of my comfort zone
so I thank you for both - choosing and my card, and hosting such a wonderful colour challenge.
thanks again!
you made my day!
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