Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Featured Stamper #226

Good morning!  Thanks to everyone who played along in this week's purple and green challenge. I looked through all the entries and there were some VERY pretty cards!  The featured stamper, chosen by random.org, for this week's challenge (#226) is....

Entry #1!...Cathy's Crafting Space...with this beautifully colored card...

I love all those dots around the image. Sweet!  Congratulations, Cathy!  Email me at denise (at) marzecmt (dot) com for your featured stamper badge. :)

A few other cards (in no particular order) that caught my eye this week are listed below...

1.  Tricia T #20  --  Love her gorgeous, soft coloring on that PI girl! Wowww!

2.  Danielle Kennedy #15  --  Love the use of the flower embellishments, so eye-catching. Really awesome coloring on the crocus, too!

3.  Kay Miller #10 - What a beautiful, clean design all around. Love all the layers and scallops.

That's all from me today! Miss Lynn will be back tomorrow with a very pretty color combo for you so be sure to stop back and play!



Tricia said...

Thanks for the shout out, Denise! I'm looking forward to this week's colors!! :)

Kay Miller said...

Thank you so much for mentioning my card! It was a lot of fun to do! Look forward to the next colors scheme!