Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday!
It's time to announce the Color Throwdown Featured Stamper for CTD548! Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to play in last week’s challenge. The projects were all incredible! Random.org chose number 17, which is...
Stef Perry’s
gorgeous floral thank you card.
Steph, you are invited to join the Color Throwdown Team for our challenge on July 3rd! Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON EDT on Friday, June 28th to obtain your Featured Stamper Blinkie and to get the details of the challenge!
Here are a few other creations that caught my eye this week, in no particular order!
#20 Izzy Scrap
#22 Amy Tsuruta
#26 Janet Swanlady21
Be sure to stop back tomorrow for a new color challenge from Vickie!
Thanks for joining us at the Color Throwdown!

Thank you sooo much for the shout out! What a gorgeous gallery!
Congrats to Stef ... and the other shout outs! Thanks for showing my card too.
Congratulations to Stef and thank you so much for the shout out among these talented ladies !
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