Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Color Throwdown Featured Stamper #589

Good Morning...Happy Tuesday!! I was so thrilled to see all of the submissions for our color challenge this past week!! They were wonderful, beautiful, fun....
Thanks so much for playing along!!

As always, I am happy that random.org picks the Featured Stamper... it would be too difficult for me...

And... random.org picked...

#25 Valerie

Congratulations, Valerie! You are our Featured Stamper for today, and are now invited to join us as Guest Star Stamper for the CTD challenge on April 29th!  Please email us at colorthrowdown [at]gmail[dot]com by noon Eastern time Friday, April 24th, to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

And now here are a few cards that caught my eye in no particular order, and just a "smidgen" of the cards!!

#6 Rosina

#16 Joyce M

#18 Julie

#33 Marina

#35 Kristie

P.S. Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see the new colors my sweet friend Wanda has for us!!


Marilyn said...

Congrats to the winners!
Have a great day!
Marilyn ❤️

Songbirdcards.blogspot.com said...

Beautiful winning cards!! Congrats, everyone!

Kristie Goulet said...

Congratulations to the winners! So excited to see my card among the lineup!♥ Thank you!

Marina said...

Thank you! Congrats to all.