Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Color Throwdown #656


Good morning! So excited to be this week's host. Thanks for joining us. This is #656 and your colors for this week are Red, Yellow, &'s back to school time. Remember, we are using generic colors, so as long as you use the color values shown, you will be just fine! This is all about having fun so don't worry if you don't have the exact hues shown here. And you can incorporate any neutrals you need into your design as well.

If you upload to a public gallery, please use the keyword CTD656. Use #ctd656 and #colorthrowdown on social media sites. Link up your card using the linky tool at the bottom of this post and please link to your specific post, not a generic link to your blog.

All of the rules are in the right sidebar, so check them out if this is your first time playing along. We don't allow digital designs unless they are printed off and colored by you. Totally digital designs will be removed from the link up.

For some great inspiration, let's see what the design team has in store for us. And we can't wait to see what YOU create this week.


Lisa Henke - My Little Creative Escape

Susie Moore - Created 4 Creativity

Lynn Put - The Queen’s Scene 

Saskia Pullen, Guest Star Stamper - Crafted by Saskia


Lori Tecler - Inking Aloud

Here's to a Great Year card-designed by Lori Tecler/Inking Aloud-stamps from Mama Elephant

 Amy Rohl - Ink About Me

 Wanda Cullen - Cullen-ary Creations


 Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

 Broni Holcombe - Splashes of Watercolor

Vickie Zimmer- Smitten


1 comment:

Grenouille Greetings said...

Love the teams inspiration all the time. I especially love this week's! Hugs, Lesley