Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Color Throwdown #804 Featured Stamper

I'm excited to share our Featured Stamper chosen from the gallery of Color Throwdown 804. It's always so fun to see a sea of inspired design in the same color palette. Without further ado, our next Featured Stamper is...

11. @_chevron2

Congratulations, _chevron2!

You are now invited to join us as our Guest Star Stamper for the challenge on August 14th.  Please send an email to colorthrowdown[at]gmail[dot]com by NOON Eastern Daylight time on Friday, August 9th to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

Here are a few of my favorite designs...

6. Patricia (Fr)

8. I Card Everyone

12. Jerralyn Rose

1 comment:

I Card Everyone said...

I knew someone would do magical things with that photo - congratulations @_chevron2 your card is gorgeous!
Thanks much for choosing my Boo among your favorites - I love the company I'm keeping here!