Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Color Throwdown #811 Featured Stamper

 Hello everyone! Thank you so much for playing along in last week's challenge! There were 22 amazing entries last week (and I loved seeing all the designs y'all came up with using those colors!) and random.org picked lucky #14 for our Guest Star Stamper! 

#14 Christy Stanford!

Congratulations, Christy! You are our Featured Stamper for this week, and are now invited to join us as Guest Star Stamper for the CTD challenge on October 2!  Please email us at colorthrowdown [at]gmail[dot]com by noon Eastern time Friday, Sept 27 to obtain your Featured Stamper blinkie and get details for the challenge.

And now here are a few cards from the entires last week that caught my eye in no particular order:

#17 Jerralyn:

#5 CarolG:

#9 JudyI:

#13 Patricia:

Again thanks so much everyone for playing along! I loved seeing the cards you all made with these colors and you all made so many amazing cards! Make sure you come back tomorrow for the newest Color Throwdown Challenge!!

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